1977 marks the twenty-fifth year of showbiz life for Micky Dolenz. Exactly twenty-five years' ago he was doing a screen test for the part of a seven year old Mexican urchin who had been gifted with a gigantic bull from the planet Saturn....
Micky was great, but they couldn't find a tweleve ton bull, so the movie was shelved. 
He was not discouraged, however, for under the guidance of his actor father, George Dolenz, Micky soon developed a real taste for showbiz and box lunches.
"I love the roar of the cameras and the smell of the electricians", he was often heard to say.
Suddenly, good fortune fell upon the Dolenz family, young Micky was cast in the NBC TV series The Circus Boy. The series ran until Micky was too big to be 'cute' so they cancelled the show.

His parents sent him to a shrink to evaluate his emotional stability "Micky is looney", repeated the shrink. Then, whilst reading architecture at college, NBC was casting a new TV show about a 'zany' Rock and Roll group, and Micky got the part of 'Micky the drummer' in the 'zany' Rock and Roll group with was subsequently called The Monkees. During the next three years he sang, danced and goofed his way through the smash TV series, jumped into Hollywood Bowl pool, and sold over twenty million records.
Since The Monkees, Micky has gone on to expand his talents in many other areas; from directing and producing, to playing with his laser. He started his own production company, and broke his arm Hang-gliding. Along with Davy Jones, he starred in Tom Sawyer at the Sacremento Civic Light Opera and just before coming to London to appear in The Point they concluded an international night-club and concert tour. 

The information above is from "The Point"
 program from the Mermaid Theatre ®1977